Sunday, August 17, 2008

Preserving the world in Kodachrome(tm)

Since I got my Nikon f4, I have had a revival in my interest in phtotography. But since I started school, I haven't had a lot of time to take pictures. Coincidentally, I have been favoring using Kodachrome(tm) to shoot with, especially since it's no telling if and when Kodak might discontinue making this lovely film. So..Here are some of the first fruits of my labors. KC tends to scan rather densely, the actual slides are exposed perfectly.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Friend Ted Hall

My friend Ted Hall, one of the most talented film/music sound mixer geniuses in the business, passed away on July 26th. Ted supervised and engineered dozens of feature film projects for me over the years and should get 99.9% of the credit for the way these projects, dvds, laserdiscs,etc turned out. He worked on almost all of my MGM projects, Paramount Paramount for me and others and for many more over the years. He will be sorely missed, not just professionally but personally and the world has lost an audio genius and amazing human being at too young an age. If you have a dvd of a movie and it sounds good at home, Ted gets a lot of the credit. He,under the tutelage of Bruce Botnick, was instrumental in changing how home video sounded.