Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Monday June 5, 2006

I just had to post my thoughts on two things that happened on Monday.

The world remembered or marked the 25th anniversary from when the first unnamed cases of AIDS were reported to the world. This disease have ravaged the world and in the US in particular, the gay community.

The president chose to mark this date by announcing his support, yet again, for an effective consititional ban on gay marriage.

And people wonder why we're angry...

i hope that we all wake up from this collective nightmare soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bush and the Republicans were not protecting us on 9-11, and we aren't a lot safer now. We may be more afraid due to george bush, but are we safer? Being fearful does not necessarily make one safer. Fear can cause people to hide and cower. What do you think? Why has bush turned our country from a country of hope and prosperity to a country of belligerence and fear.
If ever there was ever a time in our nation's history that called for a change, this is it!
The more people that the government puts in jails, the safer we are told to think we are. The real terrorists are wherever they are, but they aren't living in a country with bars on the windows. We are.